Chien — Obstruction


Chien — Obstruction


The Judgement

OBSTRUCTION. The southwest furthers.
The northeast does not further.
It furthers one to see the great man.
Perseverance brings good fortune.

The Image

Water on the mountain:
The image of OBSTRUCTION.
Thus the superior man turns his attention to himself
And molds his character.

The Lines

Six at the beginning means:

Going leads to obstructions,
Coming meets with praise.

Six in the second place means:

The king's servant is beset by obstruction upon obstruction,
But it is not his own fault.

Six in the third place means:

Going leads to obstructions;
Hence he comes back.

Six in the fourth place means:

Going leads to obstructions,
Coming leads to union.

Six in the fifth place means:

In the midst of the greatest obstructions,
Friends come.

Six at the top means:

Going leads to obstructions,
Coming leads to great good fortune.
It furthers one to see the great man.

(Note: the numbers in parentheses below the title of each hexagram refer to the page in the Wilhelm/Baynes 1968 Third Edition of I Ching or book of changes where additional commentary on the individual hexagram can be found.)