Tui — The Joyous, Lake


Tui — The Joyous, Lake


The Judgement

THE JOYOUS. Success.
Perseverance is favorable.

The Image

Lakes resting one on the other:
The image of THE JOYOUS.
Thus the superior man joins with his friends
For discussion and practice.

The Lines

Six at the beginning means:

Contented joyousness. Good fortune.

Six in the second place means:

Sincere joyousness. Good fortune.
Remorse disappears.

Six in the third place means:

Coming joyousness. Misfortune.

Six in the fourth place means:

Joyousness that is weighed is not at peace.
After ridding himself of mistakes a man has joy.

Six in the fifth place means:

Sincerity toward disintegrating influences is dangerous.

Six at the top means:

Seductive joyousness.

(Note: the numbers in parentheses below the title of each hexagram refer to the page in the Wilhelm/Baynes 1968 Third Edition of I Ching or book of changes where additional commentary on the individual hexagram can be found.)