K'uei — Opposition


K'uei — Opposition


The Judgement

OPPOSITION. In small matters, good fortune.

The Image

Above, fire; below, the lake:
The image of OPPOSITION.
Thus amid all fellowship
The superior man retains his individuality.

The Lines

Six at the beginning means:

Remorse disappears.
If you lose your horse, do not run after it;
It will come back of its own accord.
When you see evil people,
Guard yourself against mistakes.

Six in the second place means:

One meets his lord in a narrow street.
No blame.

Six in the third place means:

One sees the wagon dragged back,
The oxen halted,
A man's hair and nose cut off.
Not a good beginning, but a good end.

Six in the fourth place means:

Isolated through opposition,
One meets a like-minded man
With whom one can associate in good faith.
Despite the danger, no blame.

Six in the fifth place means:

Remorse disappears.
The companion bites his way through the wrappings.
If one goes to him,
How could it be a mistake?

Six at the top means:

Isolated through opposition,
One sees one's companion as a pig covered with dirt,
As a wagon full of devils.
First one draws a bow against him,
Then one lays the bow aside.
He is not a robber; he will woo at the right time.
As one goes, rain falls; then good fortune comes.

(Note: the numbers in parentheses below the title of each hexagram refer to the page in the Wilhelm/Baynes 1968 Third Edition of I Ching or book of changes where additional commentary on the individual hexagram can be found.)