Principal Qabalistic Correspondences

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Key Col. XIX Col. XXXIV Col. XXXV
1 Ptah, Asar un Nefer, Hadith Zeus, Iacchus Jupiter
2 Amoun, Thoth, Nuith [Zodiac] Athena, Uranus Janus
3 Maut, Isis, Nephthys Cybele, Demeter, Rhea, Heré Juno, Cybele, Saturn, Hecate, &c.
4 Amoun, Isis Poseidon Jupiter
5 Horus, Nephthys Ares, Hades Mars
6 Asar, Ra Iacchus, Apollo, Adonis Apollo
7 Hathoor Aphrodite, Nikél Venus
8 Anubis Hermes Mercury
9 Shu Zeus (as Air), Diana of Ephesus (as phallic stone) Diana (as Luna)
10 Seb. Lower (i.e. unwedded) Isis and Nephthys Persephone, [Adonis] Psyche Ceres
11 Nu Zeus Jupiter
12 Thoth and Cynocephalus Hermes Mercury
13 Chomse Artemis, Hecate Diana
14 Hathoor Aphrodite Venus
15 Men Thu Athena Mars, Minerva
16 Asar Ameshet Apis [Heré] Venus
17 Various twin Deities, Rehkt, Merti &c. Castor and Pollux, Apollo the Diviner Castor and Pollux, [Janus]
18 Khephra Apollo the Charioteer Mercury
19 Ra-Hoor-Khuit, Pasht, Sekhet, Mau Demeter [borne by lions] Venus (representing the Fire of Vulcan)
20 Isis [as Virgin] [Attis] [Attis], Ceres, Adonis
21 Amoun-Ra Zeus Jupiter, [Pluto]
22 Ma Themis, Minos, Aeacus, and Rhadamanthus Vulcan
23 Tum Athph Auramoth (as Water), Asar (as Hanged Man), Hekar, Isis Poseidon Neptune
24 Merti goddesses, Typhon, Apep, Khephra Ares Mars
25 Nephthys Apollo, Artemis (hunters) Diana (as archer)
26 Khem (Set) Pan, Priapus, [Erect Hermes and Bacchus] Pan, Vesta, Bacchus
27 Horus Ares Mars
28 Ahephi, Aroueris [Athena], Ganymede Juno
29 Khephra (as Scarab in Tarot Trump) Poseidon Neptune
30 Ra and many others Helios, Apollo Apollo
31 Thoum-aesh-neith, Mau, Kabeshunt, Horus, Tarpesbeth Hades Vulcan, Pluto
32 Sebek, Mako [Athena] Saturn
32 bis Satem, Ahapshi, Nephthys, Ameshet [Demeter] Ceres
31 bis Asar Iacchus [Liber]


The correspondences are all taken from Crowley's 777, with the following modifications:

Currently no changes have been made to adjust for AL I, 57.

Presentations can be recalled by saving the URL. Some sample presentations are: