Printed Works


Individual Essays


The Small Cards of the Tarot

An essay analysing the small cards of the Tarot in terms of a specific Qabalistic framework, and in terms of their astrological and elemental attributions.

116 pages, 6" x 9", perfect binding, cream interior paper (60# weight), black and white interior ink, white exterior paper (100# weight), full-color exterior ink. Price: $6.82 (PDF download free).

Support independent publishing: buy this book on Lulu.

Individual Printed Essays

For those — like me — who prefer quality printed material to reading online, individual printed copies of selected essays from this site have been made available through Copies are provided at the cost of printing; I make no profit from these sales.

The Ethics of Thelema

An essay examining the ethical implications of the Law of Thelema, and a criticism of some common misconceptions of the same.

16 pages, 6" x 9", saddle-stitch binding, cream interior paper (60# weight), black and white interior ink, white exterior paper (100# weight), full-color exterior ink. Price: $4.82 (PDF download free).

Support independent publishing: buy this book on Lulu.

The Khabs is in the Khu

An essay examining the nature of the individual and his place in the universe as propounded in The Book of the Law, together with its model for spiritual attainment and the nature of the obstacles involved.

12 pages, 6" x 9", saddle-stitch binding, cream interior paper (60# weight), black and white interior ink, white exterior paper (100# weight), full-color exterior ink. Price: $4.74 (PDF download free).

Support independent publishing: buy this book on Lulu.

True Will

An essay fully developing and analysing the Thelemic concept of “True Will,” contrasting it against some alternative definitions, and giving an indication of the nature of the path to its discovery.

20 pages, 6" x 9", saddle-stitch binding, cream interior paper (60# weight), black and white interior ink, white exterior paper (100# weight), full-color exterior ink. Price: $4.90 (PDF download free).

Support independent publishing: buy this book on Lulu.

The Method of Love

An essay examining the Thelemic concept of Love, including notes on the functioning of the self and on the nature of attainment.

16 pages, 6" x 9", saddle-stitch binding, cream interior paper (60# weight), black and white interior ink, white exterior paper (100# weight), full-color exterior ink. Price: $4.82 (PDF download free).

Support independent publishing: buy this book on Lulu.

The Value of Divination

An essay examining the various theories underlying the practice of divination, and the nature of its value to the aspirant.

16 pages, 6" x 9", saddle-stitch binding, cream interior paper (60# weight), black and white interior ink, white exterior paper (100# weight), full-color exterior ink. Price: $4.82 (PDF download free).

Support independent publishing: buy this book on Lulu.

The Qabalistic Cross

An essay explaining the performance of the elementary magick ritual, “The Qabalistic Cross,” together with a description of its purpose and its method of operation.

8 pages, 6" x 9", saddle-stitch binding, cream interior paper (60# weight), black and white interior ink, white exterior paper (100# weight), full-color exterior ink. Price: $4.66 (PDF download free).

Support independent publishing: buy this book on Lulu.

The Point of View of the Sun

An essay examining the solar aspects of Thelema, its connections with sun-worship, and a discussion of natural religious practices conducive to success in its system, including an identification of the Khabs with the physical Sun.

20 pages, 6" x 9", saddle-stitch binding, cream interior paper (60# weight), black and white interior ink, white exterior paper (100# weight), full-color exterior ink. Price: $4.90 (PDF download free).

Support independent publishing: buy this book on Lulu.

Fundamentals of Thelemic Practice

An essay explaining in simple terms the nature of the Thelemic “will” and the method of its discovery, in both conceptual and practical terms.

20 pages, 6" x 9", saddle-stitch binding, cream interior paper (60# weight), black and white interior ink, white exterior paper (100# weight), full-color exterior ink. Price: $4.90 (PDF download free).

Support independent publishing: buy this book on Lulu.

A Thelemic Primer

A description, in simple language and suitable for beginners, of the fundamental concepts of Thelema.

12 pages, 6" x 9", saddle-stitch binding, cream interior paper (60# weight), black and white interior ink, white exterior paper (100# weight), full-color exterior ink. Price: $4.74 (PDF download free).

Support independent publishing: buy this book on Lulu.

Let There Be No Difference Made

A commentary on Liber AL Chapter I, verse 22.

24 pages, 6" x 9", saddle-stitch binding, cream interior paper (60# weight), black and white interior ink, white exterior paper (100# weight), full-color exterior ink. Price: $4.98 (PDF download free).

Support independent publishing: buy this book on Lulu.

The Holy Guardian Angel

A comprehensive and thorough review of the “Holy Guardian Angel” and the attainment of the “Knowledge and Conversation of” it as those concepts are described in the published prose works of Aleister Crowley.

40 pages, 6" x 9", saddle-stitch binding, cream interior paper (60# weight), black and white interior ink, white exterior paper (100# weight), full-color exterior ink. Price: $5.30 (PDF download free).

Support independent publishing: buy this book on Lulu.