Archive for the 'Thelemic practice' Category

Integration in a Nutshell

Sunday, September 23rd, 2007

[From private correspondence] The key to “integrating these two minds [i.e. the conscious and subconscious minds]” is to understand exactly what is causing them to be separate in the first place. The quote I gave which was just under the one you included in your message is actually more helpful here, so I’ll repeat it: […]

Thelema and Attainment in a Nutshell

Sunday, September 23rd, 2007

[From private correspondence. Names changed to protect the guilty.] Correspondent: 1) To you, what is fundamental to “Thelema?” You ask: “Once again, what IS fundamental to Thelema? Simply Liber AL?” In short, yes. Yet, as I’m sure I don’t have to tell you, “simply” is hardly an appropriate word in that context. Here is what […]

Work and Intellectualising

Saturday, September 22nd, 2007

Aum418: I think that there is a lot of ‘arguing’ on the subject of the HGA. A lot of over-thinking, over-analyzing, over-intellectualization. The best way would be to see for yourself. This all sounds good and virtuous, but the problem with it is that if you send a man to go see Mount Rushmore when […]

Striving for Attainment

Saturday, September 22nd, 2007

Most people who approach what, for the sake of convenience, I will call “spiritual development”, do so because they are unsatisfied with the way things are now, and they do so in the hope that they will be able to change things into a state that they are happy with, whether that is an actual […]