
This website has recently been migrated to a new server, and may behave unexpectedly for the next few days. Normal service will be resumed presently.

Update: everything seems to be working, please report any bugs or unexpected behaviour.

5 Comments on “Migration”

By Ben. August 22nd, 2012 at 7:21 pm

Great to have the site back. You had me worried that the net may have been permanently deprived of its number one source of thelemic wisdom! By the way, please advise if I can help in some small way towards server costs, or whatever, it would be a privilege indeed.

By Erwin. August 22nd, 2012 at 11:03 pm

You had me worried that the net may have been permanently deprived of its number one source of thelemic wisdom!

Wishful thinking, I’m afraid.

By the way, please advise if I can help in some small way towards server costs, or whatever, it would be a privilege indeed.

Appreciate the offer, the costs are pretty manageable, though. Hopefully the new host will offer a better service than the last one.

By Thothonator. September 15th, 2012 at 3:34 am

Are there any plans to continue making blog entries or publishing writings? I’m relatively new to Thelema and it was only recently that I came across your blog here.

I am not much of a spiritualist, but thelema resonates deeply with my perspective on life. I really enjoy what you have contributed here and look forward to reading more.


By Ben. September 15th, 2012 at 6:44 pm

Hi Thothonator. Well, we’re all waiting for the next blog entry, and who knows? If we’re good, maybe one will appear in time for Christmas! But honestly there’s so much here to keep you busy – should be many months’ worth to digest, or even a couple of years. Check out the essays, and the blog goes back several years. Read them thoroughly, Erwin takes the time respond fully and thoughtfully to all the commenters, who generally raise all the asinine points and objections that students new and old tend to make concerning this subject. It will be time well spent and could save you having to make similar errors on your own path to knowledge of your own True Will.

If all that isn’t enough to keep you busy, I can also fully recommend the website of another thelemic skeptical thinker, Los, who maintains a blog at:


Both Erwin and Los have made hundreds of posts over several years on the forums of the Aleister Crowley Society (www.lashtal.com) and the diligent student will most certainly seek these out for the purposes of refining his thelemic curriculum, and (dare I say?) his ‘moral’ edification!

Best regards

By Erwin. September 15th, 2012 at 10:05 pm

Are there any plans to continue making blog entries or publishing writings?

No. There are no plans not to, either, but for right now I’m not focusing on it. There’s quite a bit of stuff here already, it could keep someone going for a while.

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